Most JOBS completed in under 1 hour.

While every room is different, most window AC installation projects can be completed in less than 1 hour. Manhattan can be hot in the summer! Don’t let another month go by before thinking about your AC.

Moving? Ask me about uninstalling and removal of your unit.


additional AC Installation:

Price is for window AC installation and may change based on your needs. Price is for installation only. You will need to provide the AC unit and should also provide the exterior mounting bracket per NYC codes or here. The bracket is something like that (paid link), As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

AC recommendation Midea U (paid link), As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, (it comes with a bracket already, no need to buy one). Turn your house into a cozy haven. If you are moving and you have a different size of window or you lost something, you can buy things like an Installation kit from Midea for this AC or just foam from Midea or here (paid link), As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

The Midea U model can provide a maximum of 12,000 BTU. However, if you require 15,000 BTU with the same 115-volt plug, I would recommend the Frigidaire FFRE153WAE (paid link), As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This model is capable of delivering the desired cooling capacity while still operating on a 115-volt power supply.

In New York City, the majority of windows are typically 36 inches wide or smaller. Consequently, most air conditioners are designed to be installed on windows with a maximum width of 36 inches. However, if you happen to have a wider window, I would suggest considering the Frigidaire GHWQ083WC1 (paid link), As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This particular air conditioner is specifically designed to accommodate window widths of up to 38.8 inches, making it a suitable option for wider windows.

SEE photos of recent installations on facebook or instagram or read reviews from happy customers.

If you are purchasing a large AC unit, such as an 18,000-24,000 BTU model from LG (paid link), As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Please ensure that you have the appropriate power outlet for 230 Volts.

Something like that:

Because a big AC with 18,000-25,000 BTUs has a different plug:

And different Volts (power):

I believe the maximum BTU you can go with a normal outlet of 115 Volts can be 15 000 BTU, also an example from LG (paid link), As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Please make sure the big AC needs to have a big bracket of support like that (paid link), As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

I am going to write here about how to mount an AC. Please come back or if you can not wait, call me.

Here is the step-by-step process for mounting a large AC unit